Page 11 - paradies-latsch-spa-broschuere-2020-en
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Special massagesRe exologyThrough the soles of the feet, the focal point of the body,the organs as well as the lymphatic and nervous systems are stimulated, improving blood circulation, eliminating blockages or stagnation and harmonizing the energy system.About 50 min. € 75,-La Stone MassageAlternating lava stones heated to 60°C and marble stones cooled in ice ensure deep relaxation. This massage exerts a soothing ac- tion while stimulating the muscles. Blood vessels naturally dilate, increasing circulation and blood  ow to the muscles.Wellness in its purest form.About 80 min. € 120,-Lomi Lomi NuiThis is a traditional Hawaiian massage ritual with a therapeutic e ect. The term ‘Lomi’, which means „massage, press, shape“, is repeated for emphasis. ‘Nui’ can be translated as „big, important, unique.“ This treatment, which requires a considerable amount of hot oil, requires the use of hands, forearms and partly the elbows as well. The movements are  uid and oscillate slightly. This so-called „king of massages” regulates the energy  ow between body, spirit and soul. The delicate hand movements are accompanied by typical Hawaiian sounds for deep inner harmony. You’re in expert hands with our masseuses: say Aloha to a newfound well-being!About 80 min. € 130,-LaVita Spa10/11

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